patient centered healthcare


Patients Town Hall calls attention to patient identity, voice

The profile of patient advocates has been building steadily, but they’re also facing some interesting questions about their identity as they figure out how to maximize their effectiveness. In a Patients Town Hall to recap some of the highlights of the ENGAGE conference this week, panelists talked about what they need to make patients more […]

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Study: Patient-centered medical homes reduce ER visits among chronically ill

Chronically ill patients who receive care from a patient-centered medical home experienced fewer emergency visits, according to a study that analyzed claims data by Independence Blue Cross and CTI Clinical and Consulting Services. Using claims data from approximately 460,000 Independence beneficiaries enrolled in 280 primary care practices, the study found that the transition to a […]


Standing hospital bed has patients on their feet, both in and out of bed When you think “bed-rest,” you most likely imagine lying in bed all day watching Netflix marathons. Universal Hospital Services, however, has a different vision. UHS is currently piloting the Total Lift Bed project at Carolinas Specialty Hospital in Pineville, N.C. The bed helps patients with breathing problems and speeds up recovery. According to a recent […]